Monday, December 1, 2014

Brasil: Week 39 - God knows all

I am sorry this email is so short, but I dont feel good. my brain isnt working. Sorry. 

So, I am like a planning freak. I love planning. I like things going as planned. I like to be on time. Completely an American thing. Anyways, this week NOTHING WENT AS PLANNED. But, at the same time, everything happened at the right time. Funny how that happens sometimes. God definitely knows all things. 

Our Deaf investigator wasnt there for our apointment but we saw him later in the week and guess what! I WAS ABLE TO TALK TO HIM! (Thank you for all the prayers!) He was impressed that I learned so fast. My companion didn't know how to talk to him but she understood this time what he was saying so that was really cool. 

I am so glad to be a missionary. I am so glad to share my testimony everyday that I know this church is true. I know that we have a living prophet on the earth and I KNOW that God answers our prayers. 

I hope you all have a great week and dont get sick because its not fun to be sick!   

P.S. We are getting another set of sisters in this ward next week! Woohoo!

Sister Keeler

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