Monday, March 3, 2014

Brazil: Week 3 - 80% mental, 20% physical, 10% emotional

I must say, its been a pretty darn good week. I am now able to understand about 90% of what people say (Depending on who is speaking.......). I am still having a really hard time trying to speak my mind but it will get better. Im not worried. My motivation for this week was, "If that dog can understand Portuguese, SO CAN I!!!!!" I was asked MULTIPLE times this week to say "paralelepipedo" and "liquidificador" and everyone was very impressed that I was able to say them. (Obrigada Joseph Lattin!!)

Random: As we were walking, this parrot started talking to us! ha so cool!

We had to go to Piracicaba this week to get my visa authenticated or something and after waiting in line for 5 hours, I am now LEGAL!!! WOOHOO!!! 

N. and R. (investigators) are reading the Book of Mormon now, because they have one in Spanish. We haven't set a baptism date because they are still praying for an answer. I love them so much. They are seriously the coolest people ever. Actually, everyone here is extremely nice. Its a complete change from DC. I dont know if its just in this city, but everyone just looks out for everyone, even if they are strangers. The other day my bag was open and this lady like 15 feet away was like "hey! your bag is open!" Thank you random citizen! (I have yet to hear someone honk their horn here)

We got a new investigator this week. We met her at the Church activity this week. Her friend that is less active brought her. We tried to give her a Book of Mormon, but she told us she cant read....... so we are going to try to find the Book of Mormon on tape. 

I hope that this letter finds everyone in good spirits and health. I hope you have a most wonderful week!

Sister Keeler

This is the view of the city Americana (most of what you see isn´t our area, but we are allowed to go there on Pdays). I took this photo on our 30 min walk to church :)

I bought a Brasil Flag!!!! I am now ready for the World Cup!!!!!! GO BRASIL!!!!! CUPO DO MUNDO!(:

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